Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Era of the AntiChrist

Based on biblical perspective, the era of antichrist will come soon and new world order movement will follow it. Some researchers still discuss about it and produce many discoveries. These are including the historical progress of the antichrist and the new world order, and also the realizing of the world government agenda that much different with what people have known.
The antichrist prophecy is a particular controversial issue that has been questioned by so many people with different beliefs and backgrounds who want to know the truth of the bible teaches. Antichrist prophecy is based on 1 John 2: 22, which reads "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." So, with this prophecy, people believe that there will be a time when people cannot hear the truth of GOD's work and go to the church for praying to GOD.
Antichrist prophecy explains that there will be a new thought in which the opposition of Christ appears and replaces Christ's position and also acts as if he is serving Christ. This person is indeed a liar. The antichrist will take over Christ's authority and claim that he is a servant of GOD.
There are a lot of people who are curious to know about who is the antichrist that will betray Christ and steal Christ's worthy. Until this day, many predictions because of antichrist prophecy pick some names of some leading public figure as the antichrist. And even, people currently questioning whether Barack Obama is the antichrist or not.
Antichrist debate still develops as technology in this world also advances. The development of the new world order predictions becomes a major topic discussion in this world, nowadays. People in this world, who believe in Christ and antichrist prophecy, must be ready to face the day of antichrist as what the bible has stated. Check out this link:

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