Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Barack Obama AKA New World Order?

The "New World Order" really came into public view when mentioned on the air by Pat Kiley's show "Follow the Money." He states that those who seek the truth are known as "Truth Seekers." So now we are at the point where we can discuss the political term that George Bush Senior and Henry Kissinger and George Bush Senior, is a term with more evil, demonic views, and at the heart the introduction of the Anti Christ. It is the creation of a socialist world government system that will fur fill bible prophecy of the final world dictatorship that will enslave mankind into he demonic economic system. Barack Obama has been chosen by the global elite to sell this transformation to the United States citizens via the entire globe. The way he has won over the people all to give them hope within himself and destroy all FREEDOMS that exist.
ALL Believers really need to purchase the information from the link provided. Will he usher in the New World Order? Yes, He has already begun.

Here is the link:

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