Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Destruction of Young People

Before we can start or get into the Antichrist let first analyze the destruction of young people in the world we live in.

The destruction of our young people is underway. They are currently being reprogrammed to disentized about God. All science today points to another source of creation, another source of power, and to force them to accept a world without God. This puts them in the frame of mind to accept any form of knowledge that is beneficial to them. They have lost the critical thinking skills that require them to make a sound decision. The Devil knows this. His new form of attack is to prevent young people from gaining a relationship with God. That way the Devil can unleash his attack to destroy their minds and make them become spiritual zombies. Since the beginning of time when man fell or Adam sinned against God a void was created in us. Jesus Christ came to fill that void and re-establish a relationship with God by His death. God wants to live in us. God want to be a part of our every day life. Jesus has given us the victory over the Devil.
So if young people lose this power with God the Devil knows he can destroy them. They began to not have a will to fight against a foe you cannot see. So you become a part of your own destruction. The more a young person lives without God the more the Devil can attack the mind and completely control it. Once he is in control he can make you do anything. It is called demonic influence. This occurs when the devil send a demon to control you for a period of time. The best example of this is when a young person kills their entire family brutally and then cries. The killing was done when the demonic influence has taken place. The crying happens when the young person is no longer under the influence and returns to the mind that was once controlled by the Devil. The Devil’s job is to destroy you by any means necessary. Check out this link and order it today!

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