Sunday, December 26, 2010


The  research shows that the power structure of the New World Order is based on an incredible
network of masonic groups and secret societies which encompasses banking and finance, politics,
education and the environment and religion.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


A Publication of Rema Marketing. @2009, All rights reserved.
The understanding of the coming of the Antichrist can only be fully consolidated by understanding
the very system that will be prepared for his eventual arrival.
The goals of the New Age movement under which the United Nations operates right now, are the
implementation of a New World Messiah. The tools of the new world government which are now
in progression are a multi-national international army; an international police force; a World Bank
for the economy; a World Government under the United Nations; a World Conservation Bank for
wilderness around the world meaning that all green movements will be melded into this new
International Bank or will disappear and a new World Religion where all church doctrines will be
destroyed at the roots to be replaced by the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.
The New Age Movement consists of an incredibly huge and well organized network consisting of
thousands of groups, trusts, foundations, clubs, lodges, and religious groups whose goal and
purpose is to prepare the world to enter the coming "Age Of Aquarius." A small sampling of only a
few of the organizations involved would include: Amnesty International, Zero Population Growth,
California New Age Caucus, New World Alliance, World Goodwill, The Church Universal and
Triumphant, The Theosophical Society, the Forum, Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose,
the Club of Rome, Church Universal & Triumphant, Christian Science, and the Unity School of
Christianity. This list, by no means all inclusive, demonstrates the diversity of organizations
operating in economic, political, and religious spheres of influence.
Alongside the New Age Movement is also a political and economical agenda. Based on a principle
known as the Hegelian doctrine, the agenda is one in which the process of managed conflict will
propel the world forward to a final state where the infrastructure will be in place for world
government to fully rise to its prophetic status. In this final report we examine the groups and
agenda’s which play a major role in facilitating the rise of the final world government.

Just a glimpse of information that is available at SOON to be completed website!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It is to believed Billions will die in a War over seas. I believe so. the AntiChrist Masterplan is to create a
war in which HE has to provide peace..BUT HE has to plan and orchestrate it to perfection!
The Third World War
1870, a time when Israel did not exist as a nation, and when no one except Fundamentalist,
Bible-believing Christians believed it would ever exist again. The demonic 'guiding spirits' of
Freemasonry, and of the leaders of the New World Order Plan, are planning a final, definitive Third
World War, which will begin between Israel and her Arab neighbors and spread to the entire world.
Joel 2:18-3:21, God foretells tremendous judgment of all nations in the world, starting with the
Arabs, beginning when God "reverses the captivity" and "restores the fortunes" of Israel, a date we
know as May 14, 1948. Read this passage carefully, and you will see the hand of God foretelling
judgment swirling all around Israel after she is restored to her land. Joel 2:30-31 seem to foretell
nuclear war at this time.
While Israel will escape physical destruction by the miraculous power of God, she will be in so much
danger that God Himself will supernaturally protect her. In Daniel 12:1, we see that, in the time of the
End, Israel will be in such danger that "Michael shall arise to defend your [Daniel's] people [Israel]."
Therefore, we can place great emphasis and credibility in this demonic vision of the Third World War.
Out of the smoke and destruction of this War, Antichrist will stride triumphantly, to put an end to the
War, to finally give the embattled world "Peace and Safety". But, as 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4 foretells,
when people are saying this, the world will explode in destruction.
The current events in Israel, where she is giving up "land for peace" makes no sense any other way.
Israel's leaders, some of whom are former generals in the Army, have lent their support to this idiotic
plan. Militarily, this plan is a disaster, for it allows the Arabs a permanent home so deep within Israel
that the military might not be able to successfully defend Israel if the attack comes from within the
Palestinian State.
The Jewish Orthodox community is overwhelmingly of the opinion that this "Peace Plan" is a recipe but will
lead to what is to be called a Holy War.
was foreseen to be between Judaism and Islam. This prophecy is incredible

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The EU European Union? Part 1

Over the past decade this idea of a European Union was just a mere thought and imagination in the minds of everyone. Year after year another country in Europe decides to back out at the last minute. BUT not this time! In 2009 the European Union was created and it is one of the most powerful biblical prophesies. Yes, this in fact the Old Holy Roman Empire. Thus, giving the Antichrist a address and location for Him to rise into power. The traditional and classical view or idea is that the final world empire will be an European super state, arising out of the European Union.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Destruction of Young People

Before we can start or get into the Antichrist let first analyze the destruction of young people in the world we live in.

The destruction of our young people is underway. They are currently being reprogrammed to disentized about God. All science today points to another source of creation, another source of power, and to force them to accept a world without God. This puts them in the frame of mind to accept any form of knowledge that is beneficial to them. They have lost the critical thinking skills that require them to make a sound decision. The Devil knows this. His new form of attack is to prevent young people from gaining a relationship with God. That way the Devil can unleash his attack to destroy their minds and make them become spiritual zombies. Since the beginning of time when man fell or Adam sinned against God a void was created in us. Jesus Christ came to fill that void and re-establish a relationship with God by His death. God wants to live in us. God want to be a part of our every day life. Jesus has given us the victory over the Devil.
So if young people lose this power with God the Devil knows he can destroy them. They began to not have a will to fight against a foe you cannot see. So you become a part of your own destruction. The more a young person lives without God the more the Devil can attack the mind and completely control it. Once he is in control he can make you do anything. It is called demonic influence. This occurs when the devil send a demon to control you for a period of time. The best example of this is when a young person kills their entire family brutally and then cries. The killing was done when the demonic influence has taken place. The crying happens when the young person is no longer under the influence and returns to the mind that was once controlled by the Devil. The Devil’s job is to destroy you by any means necessary. Check out this link and order it today!

The Era of the AntiChrist

Based on biblical perspective, the era of antichrist will come soon and new world order movement will follow it. Some researchers still discuss about it and produce many discoveries. These are including the historical progress of the antichrist and the new world order, and also the realizing of the world government agenda that much different with what people have known.
The antichrist prophecy is a particular controversial issue that has been questioned by so many people with different beliefs and backgrounds who want to know the truth of the bible teaches. Antichrist prophecy is based on 1 John 2: 22, which reads "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." So, with this prophecy, people believe that there will be a time when people cannot hear the truth of GOD's work and go to the church for praying to GOD.
Antichrist prophecy explains that there will be a new thought in which the opposition of Christ appears and replaces Christ's position and also acts as if he is serving Christ. This person is indeed a liar. The antichrist will take over Christ's authority and claim that he is a servant of GOD.
There are a lot of people who are curious to know about who is the antichrist that will betray Christ and steal Christ's worthy. Until this day, many predictions because of antichrist prophecy pick some names of some leading public figure as the antichrist. And even, people currently questioning whether Barack Obama is the antichrist or not.
Antichrist debate still develops as technology in this world also advances. The development of the new world order predictions becomes a major topic discussion in this world, nowadays. People in this world, who believe in Christ and antichrist prophecy, must be ready to face the day of antichrist as what the bible has stated. Check out this link:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Barack Obama AKA New World Order?

The "New World Order" really came into public view when mentioned on the air by Pat Kiley's show "Follow the Money." He states that those who seek the truth are known as "Truth Seekers." So now we are at the point where we can discuss the political term that George Bush Senior and Henry Kissinger and George Bush Senior, is a term with more evil, demonic views, and at the heart the introduction of the Anti Christ. It is the creation of a socialist world government system that will fur fill bible prophecy of the final world dictatorship that will enslave mankind into he demonic economic system. Barack Obama has been chosen by the global elite to sell this transformation to the United States citizens via the entire globe. The way he has won over the people all to give them hope within himself and destroy all FREEDOMS that exist.
ALL Believers really need to purchase the information from the link provided. Will he usher in the New World Order? Yes, He has already begun.

Here is the link:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The New World Order

It is almost detrimental that you obtain the information presented about the Anti Christ. Even with the curiosity ALL BELIEVERS MUST SEEK TO EXPAND THE KNOWLEDGE PRESENTED! Even though the fascination of the true identity of the Antichrist has been a major aspect of bible prophecy for hundreds of years, the 20th and 21st has witnessed in our lifetime more bible prophecy than any other time before. The Book of Revelation and Ezekiel has began to fur fill itself. The Internet has caused and created more exposure and access to information related to the development of the New World Order than anytime in our history. Go to and order it today!

Friday, September 3, 2010

The AntiChrist MasterPlan

This is the most important information you will receive concerning The Antichrist. Yes, we are living in a time where the Devil is beginning his last forms of attack against all mankind. Several things have taken place to prove this. Abominations are proud and are coming out to prove that God's principles and commandments do not exist. People have become lovers of themselves and not God. The Master plan is to really destroy our young people. Our young people today do not have a respect for God and are desensitized form the Power, the respect, and the fear of God.
Then it goes into even deeper revelation. We have the New World Order coming into existence.