Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Holy War

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the real

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The History of the Destuction of the U.S. by the Federal Reserve

The Ultimate Empire.ORG and REMA Marketing/Publishing have created valuable information that all Christians and God's creation need to have. We need to recognize our President's hidden agenda. Before we get into this information lets establish the frame work or foundation.

Wall Street and the News media has deemed President Obama as the Savior of the World. If we as Christians and U.S. citizens have any chance we must look past the current situations in the U.S. and look past the puppets in the Obama Administration.

We must realize the New world Order is here. What is it? (Check out the video clip and get the full report at The power struggle has been going on since the inception of the U.S. to prevent the country from being taken over by the Private Central Bank.

Corporations have taken the throne and now we are in an era of economic destruction and corruption. The money powers in this country such Fannie and Freddie Mac prolong their reign among working with the prejudices of the people until the wealth is gone and only a few have hand on it. The Republic as we know it is then destroyed.

The United States has become the very powerful engine for world power and progress UNTIL the abosulte unit the WALL STREET MONEY MASTERS has made the U.S. the force of destruction in the modern world. Obama's Cabinet is all Wall Strret. They are the only people in government that have a voice because threy are Wall Street Gurus. No one else counts for asnything in this adminisration. This Administation is the most extreme Wall Street Machine ever in our history. So what happens when you defy the Wall Street Machine or the so called Global Elite???

You have to get the report which contains a ton of useful information the Antichrist Master Plan