Sunday, February 20, 2011


Why You Urgently Need to Get This Report!

Because some advertising platforms have already blocked us from advertising this report through their advertising system. Only a few remain and we now know the days of this report are limited. Therefore you must take Action Today and Obtain This Report. We can no longer guarantee its availability.

New Feature Now AvailableBecause in addition to the report you will also receive access to 4 hours worth of FREE video footage on how the Illuminati, Freemasons and Bilderbergers have influenced world events from the origins of the American Dollar to the more recent September 11th terrorist attacks and the recent global banking collapse. Further below you will see details of how to access this.

New Feature Now AvailableBecause in addition to the report you will also receive access to a Massive Report Supplement, exposing the dangers, rituals and symbols of freemasonry and providing over 200 pages of hard core evidence regarding the coming masonic New World Order! Further below you will see details of how to access this.

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AntiChrist Master Plans

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Ultimate Empire.ORG Official News

OK. Here it is. No sugar coating and all that other useless garbage.
  1. The United States must suffer an Economic Collapse
  2. A event or events where billions will die? Maybe war? Islam vs. Muslims VS. Christianity?
  3. The United States must somehow fall out of the scene as the SUPERPOWER to save the World.
  • We or the US is printing trillions of dollars without backing up the currency with Gold.....
  • The World's Global Economy is failing because the US economic collapse in 2008 is now being felt by small countries WITH BIG INVESTMENTS with the US dollar.....
  • The US dollar RIGHT NOW 2/9/2011 is worth $.68....
  • Islam vs. Muslim or both VS. Christianity?
  • How long will Christianity keep taking blows from these extremist? or How long will these EASTERN religions JUST get feed up and attack the US or the SYMBOL to the World for Christianity?
This will trigger a war in which billions will die. Major cities destroyed. Or overseas fighting among themselves for POWER in the EASTERN world could wreck the middle east and Billions die.