Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It is to believed Billions will die in a War over seas. I believe so. the AntiChrist Masterplan is to create a
war in which HE has to provide peace..BUT HE has to plan and orchestrate it to perfection!
The Third World War
1870, a time when Israel did not exist as a nation, and when no one except Fundamentalist,
Bible-believing Christians believed it would ever exist again. The demonic 'guiding spirits' of
Freemasonry, and of the leaders of the New World Order Plan, are planning a final, definitive Third
World War, which will begin between Israel and her Arab neighbors and spread to the entire world.
Joel 2:18-3:21, God foretells tremendous judgment of all nations in the world, starting with the
Arabs, beginning when God "reverses the captivity" and "restores the fortunes" of Israel, a date we
know as May 14, 1948. Read this passage carefully, and you will see the hand of God foretelling
judgment swirling all around Israel after she is restored to her land. Joel 2:30-31 seem to foretell
nuclear war at this time.
While Israel will escape physical destruction by the miraculous power of God, she will be in so much
danger that God Himself will supernaturally protect her. In Daniel 12:1, we see that, in the time of the
End, Israel will be in such danger that "Michael shall arise to defend your [Daniel's] people [Israel]."
Therefore, we can place great emphasis and credibility in this demonic vision of the Third World War.
Out of the smoke and destruction of this War, Antichrist will stride triumphantly, to put an end to the
War, to finally give the embattled world "Peace and Safety". But, as 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4 foretells,
when people are saying this, the world will explode in destruction.
The current events in Israel, where she is giving up "land for peace" makes no sense any other way.
Israel's leaders, some of whom are former generals in the Army, have lent their support to this idiotic
plan. Militarily, this plan is a disaster, for it allows the Arabs a permanent home so deep within Israel
that the military might not be able to successfully defend Israel if the attack comes from within the
Palestinian State.
The Jewish Orthodox community is overwhelmingly of the opinion that this "Peace Plan" is a recipe but will
lead to what is to be called a Holy War.
was foreseen to be between Judaism and Islam. This prophecy is incredible