Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Holy War

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the real

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The History of the Destuction of the U.S. by the Federal Reserve

The Ultimate Empire.ORG and REMA Marketing/Publishing have created valuable information that all Christians and God's creation need to have. We need to recognize our President's hidden agenda. Before we get into this information lets establish the frame work or foundation.

Wall Street and the News media has deemed President Obama as the Savior of the World. If we as Christians and U.S. citizens have any chance we must look past the current situations in the U.S. and look past the puppets in the Obama Administration.

We must realize the New world Order is here. What is it? (Check out the video clip and get the full report at The power struggle has been going on since the inception of the U.S. to prevent the country from being taken over by the Private Central Bank.

Corporations have taken the throne and now we are in an era of economic destruction and corruption. The money powers in this country such Fannie and Freddie Mac prolong their reign among working with the prejudices of the people until the wealth is gone and only a few have hand on it. The Republic as we know it is then destroyed.

The United States has become the very powerful engine for world power and progress UNTIL the abosulte unit the WALL STREET MONEY MASTERS has made the U.S. the force of destruction in the modern world. Obama's Cabinet is all Wall Strret. They are the only people in government that have a voice because threy are Wall Street Gurus. No one else counts for asnything in this adminisration. This Administation is the most extreme Wall Street Machine ever in our history. So what happens when you defy the Wall Street Machine or the so called Global Elite???

You have to get the report which contains a ton of useful information the Antichrist Master Plan

Monday, March 7, 2011

The AntiChrist Info

Because some advertising platforms have already blocked us from advertising this report through their advertising system. Only a few remain and we now know the days of this report are limited. Therefore you must take Action Today and Obtain This Report. We can no longer guarantee its availability.
New Feature Now Available
Because in addition to the report you will also receive access to 4 hours worth of FREE video footage on how the Illuminati, Freemasons and Bilderbergers have influenced world events from the origins of the American Dollar to the more recent September 11th terrorist attacks and the recent global banking collapse. Further below you will see details of how to access this.
New Feature Now Available
Because in addition to the report you will also receive access to a Massive Report Supplement, exposing the dangers, rituals and symbols of freemasonry and providing over 200 pages of hard core evidence regarding the coming masonic New World Order! Further below you will see details of how to access this.
Because just like the movie the Matrix, the vast majority of people don’t believe or don’t want to believe. I remember the sickening feeling I had when I literally had to undo my whole perception of Obama specifically. It not easy and wasn’t nice and part of me wanted to disown the evidence we found. However I believe you want the 100% truth…….Get the Report Now to see the Truth but it may make you uneasy!
Because the findings may conflict with some of the traditional major bible prophecy ministries end time views……Why?…………….Because their research hardly penetrates the understanding of freemasonic influence of the Illuminati, Bilderbergers, Skull and Bones Society and their occultic time bound plan that is being rolled out deceitfully to catch Christians off guard…..It is only surface level and does not deal with the root core of the coming new world order……Get the Report to see full details of the root core…….
Because the report implicates not only Obama but a secret network of people (some you will know) who all know each others roles who are acting independently publicly but are coercing a plan behind the scenes. The plan has been so deceptive that even ministries like John Hagee’s “Friends for Israel” initiative has unsuspectingly been caught up in this controversy……Get the Report Now to see Why….
You need to understand which power bloc will drive the Antichrist world government. Will it be a re-energized United Nations, the European Union as a Revived Roman Empire, The United States as a Guardian of the New World Order, an Islamic Confederacy led by the Muslims long awaited Islamic Madhi or something else?
It is Important To Know the Following!
Since its release, over 30,000 people have downloaded the report and many are now taking its content to their local communities, churches and social networks to help expose the sinister developments taking place at a government level across the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Germany, Netherlands and other masonic led countries.
There is damning evidence of subliminal messaging introduced into Kids TV entertainment. The conspiracy involves frightening revelations on how the Movie Industry including some of Disney’s most popular children movies have been encoded with significant symbolism and hidden messages to indoctrinate young children from a very early age. Every Parent Must See this!
Many bible prophecy ministries are pro Israel yet many of them are ignorant to the fact that many of the political leaders of Israel are high ranking members of Masonic lodges whose belief structure is influenced by the Talmud and its apostate Babylonian origins. Instead of celebrating the idea of a rebuilt Jewish Temple why should we instead be asking the question “why is the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem being financed by several Masonic lodges”?
Is it a mere coincidence that the annual Bilderberger conference for 2010 was held in Greece? Yet we have all seen the Greek economy recently implode sending shock waves through the European Union and Triggering a significant financial crisis within the European Zone. Is it a plan of the Bilderbergers to totally bring down the world economy via a European crisis which will soon engulf Spain and Portugal as a means to further justify the need for a new one world economic currency?
In 2009 were there over 3 million searches on the keywords “Obama Antichrist” and “Obama Messiah”?…….Does Barack Obama have an apocalyptic role given the global financial circumstances in which he has risen to power. Is he a man divinely appointed or an agent of the New World Order objective?
Unfortunately the Devil is in the Detail!
The Antichrist Identity is a 150 Page Report where you will have full complete 100% access to cutting edge evidence that the new world order is moving forward now at lightening speed. No stone is unturned, we name names and provide clear documented evidence for you to observe covering the merovingian question, prince charles of wales, barack obama, the islamic madhi, the coming maitreya, the dark apostate side of the zionist movement…..and much more.
Click here for a Sneak Preview
A Small Preview of the Vast Number of Insights For
You To Make Your Own Personal Decision on The Evidence.
Your view of the The Antichrist will be forever changed by the information in this report when you discover the importance of the Merovingian Bloodline factor and the Holy Roman Empire connection in this major Insight. (Part 1: Page 26)
You will fully understand why certain pro Zionist TV Evangelists like Pastor John Hagee are unsuspectingly playing right into the hands of the Masonic New World Order plans! (Part 1: Page 33)
You will understand the reason why many bible prophecy experts have been muted regarding the election of Barack Obama. What is it that they know but are simply too scared to say and why do many believe Obama is the closest representation of the coming Antichrist? (Part 2: Page 16)
A Major insight into the world views on who is the Antichrist with a significant focus on the lineage factor. Will the Antichrist be Jewish, Syrian (Assyrian), European or an Islamic Madhi? (Part 3: Page 5)
Major Insight into which companies are developing the Mark of the Beast technology and the biological dangers that have already resulted from such research! (Part 1: Page 50)
Who is the so called coming Maitreya and what is his relevance to the unification of world religion? (Part 1: Page 26)
What specific reason will the coming Masonic New World Order use to explain the disappearance of millions of Christians? Also Learn more about “Project Enoch”, the coming fake rapture that will be used by Masonic conspirators to bring chaos and confusion within the Christian Faith! (Part 4: Page 6)
Why is the Destruction of Islam and the removal of the Dome of the Rock from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, a significant requirement for those looking to bring about the Masonic New World Order and Antichrist? (Part 3: Page 12)
Since the Jewish Nation still has a divine purpose how is this reconciled with the fact that many of the leaders in charge of the nation of Israel are high ranking freemason’s? (Part 3: Page 30)
And Much More………………………….
Your Choice!
There is no beating around the bush or hard sell with this 150 page report. If you have got this far, its because something deep inside you hasn’t been fully comfortable with what you have seen in the last several years. The incredible melt down of the global financial system, the rise of Barack Obama onto the world scene, the increased presence of the European Union in the Arab – Israeli negotiations, Pope Benedicts XVI recent call to return to theological discussion with the protestant movement and the media focus on the rapid emergence of Islam on a global basis.
Get your report instantly before it is too Late! Click here…..

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Why You Urgently Need to Get This Report!

Because some advertising platforms have already blocked us from advertising this report through their advertising system. Only a few remain and we now know the days of this report are limited. Therefore you must take Action Today and Obtain This Report. We can no longer guarantee its availability.

New Feature Now AvailableBecause in addition to the report you will also receive access to 4 hours worth of FREE video footage on how the Illuminati, Freemasons and Bilderbergers have influenced world events from the origins of the American Dollar to the more recent September 11th terrorist attacks and the recent global banking collapse. Further below you will see details of how to access this.

New Feature Now AvailableBecause in addition to the report you will also receive access to a Massive Report Supplement, exposing the dangers, rituals and symbols of freemasonry and providing over 200 pages of hard core evidence regarding the coming masonic New World Order! Further below you will see details of how to access this.

Get your report today before it is too late!!!

Click here

AntiChrist Master Plans

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Ultimate Empire.ORG Official News

OK. Here it is. No sugar coating and all that other useless garbage.
  1. The United States must suffer an Economic Collapse
  2. A event or events where billions will die? Maybe war? Islam vs. Muslims VS. Christianity?
  3. The United States must somehow fall out of the scene as the SUPERPOWER to save the World.
  • We or the US is printing trillions of dollars without backing up the currency with Gold.....
  • The World's Global Economy is failing because the US economic collapse in 2008 is now being felt by small countries WITH BIG INVESTMENTS with the US dollar.....
  • The US dollar RIGHT NOW 2/9/2011 is worth $.68....
  • Islam vs. Muslim or both VS. Christianity?
  • How long will Christianity keep taking blows from these extremist? or How long will these EASTERN religions JUST get feed up and attack the US or the SYMBOL to the World for Christianity?
This will trigger a war in which billions will die. Major cities destroyed. Or overseas fighting among themselves for POWER in the EASTERN world could wreck the middle east and Billions die.